Gisby's Gaming Blog

June 5, 2017

Barsoom: Green Martians

I bought a bunch of Bronze Age Miniatures Green Martians. (Not what they call them, but…) I like them. They are very animated, and loaded with decorated harness. There are a few spots where the strap detail is a bit soft, usually caused by the extra arms crossing the body.

Note: The figures are all the same size, the pictures are not all to scale.

brzthark brzthark8

I drilled the heads and inserted pins for the peculiar Green Martian ears, and I think it improved the look. The greens I used for the skin are a bit dark to show up well in these pictures, a problem with many of my figures.

brzthark1 brzthark5

The figures are multi-part, with separate heads, arms, and many loose weapons. The arms at least benefited from pinning, and there were some gaps to fill. (These may have been the result of my attaching the arm at the wrong angle)


They came without bases, but had pegs on their feet that would fit onto the holes on many plastic bases. I used larger fender washers as bases.

brzthark4 brzthark2

There are several variants I do not have, and some I do have are positioned differently on their site, so you can build a good-sized force with no two the same.

brzthark7 brzthark9


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