Gisby's Gaming Blog

July 20, 2017

Forgotten Heroes: Distracterella

Filed under: Bronze Age Miniatures, Forgotten Heroes, Superheroes — gisby @ 21:53

I first read of the ‘Forgotten Heroes Challenge‘ on Roger Webb’s blog, Rantings From Under the Wargames Table (Well worth a read, BTW). The challenge is to make a figure of a hero, for whom there is no decent figure available. And it has to be finished in June.

As it turns out, I had a figure that fit the bill, and was done in June. It just took me this long to take a picture.


She is Distracterella, from the webcomic League of Superredundant Heroes. She is a Villainess whose power is to distract with her body. (It is revealed that the blue part of her costume is in fact body paint, and the stars are removable.)

The base figure is a female dolly from Bronze Age Miniatures. I added hair, and all else is paint.

So yes, she’s late, but I don’t care.



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