Gisby's Gaming Blog

October 11, 2017

Mad Dogs With Guns 1

Filed under: Mad Dogs with Guns, Moonraker Miniatures, Pulp Gaming — gisby @ 16:57

When Mad Dogs with Guns was released, we were quite excited. It looked like a fun concept, and Howard and Roderick write fun rules. We weren’t disappointed, the rules are fast and fun, and have a campaign system to tie games together and build your gang.

To this end, I decided to build some more gangsters.

Moonraker Miniatures produces the Dunwich Detective range, designed for 1920’s ‘Eldritch Horror’ games – But they are also great for Roaring 20’s, Bootleggers and Gangsters. There are Cops, Gangsters and Dames – great stuff!

A quick order to Moonraker, and I had a bunch of figures to defend my turf. I decided to do some head swaps, just to get some more variety.


2006c Gangster with violin case
2006e Gangster loading Revolver
2001f Adventurer/Detective with Pistol


2006e Gangster loading Revolver (Head swap)
2003b Detective with Pistol
2006c Gangster with violin case (Head swap)


2003b Detective with Pistol (Head swap)
2001j Press Photographer
2006b Gangster with Tommy-gun (Head swap)


2006a Gangster with cigar (Head swap)
2003a Detective with Tommy-gun (Head swap)
2006d Gangster with Revolver

I even added a few police, and did a head swap to increase their fire-power.


2006b Gangster with Tommy-gun (Head swap)
2003c Cop with Nightstick
2003d Cop with Pistol

Of course the figures will also be useful for Horror, Pulp and VBCW, so quite useful all-round.

Now, let the Tommy-guns roar!








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