Gisby's Gaming Blog

September 18, 2016

Barsoom: A Few Beasts


A Bronze Age Miniatures Banth. Rawr!


Bronze Age Miniatures Calot. He’s not exactly how I pictured a Calot, but I like him.


This is a plastic ‘Pathfinder Battles—Reign of Winter: Wolliped‘  that I use as an Apt. Strictly speaking, he doesn’t look like an Apt, but whenever anyone sees him they go ‘Ah! An Apt!’


He’s the male, I gave him a mane so you could tell him from his harem.

September 4, 2016

SPACE 1889: Martian Artillery


My Martians needed artillery. So I went to the Irregular Miniatures site, and found a renaissance cannon. Animal-headed, it was alien-looking enough to be perfect.

So I ordered it.

When it arrived, it was beautiful, just like in the picture. It was just a bit bigger than I expected. I was looking for a field piece, and got a huge field piece. But hey, nobody said the Martians had well-designed artillery.


I picked up four RAFM artillerymen to man it. I made the gun tools out of wire.


All in all, I rather like it as a unit. The gun is impressive, and sized way out of proportion to it’s effectiveness.

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