Gisby's Gaming Blog

July 25, 2017

Barsoom: Large Flyer

Back in January, I wrote about a new flyer that I commissioned fromĀ RedVectors. I asked for a ship, essentially the same as their small Martian Flyer, but with a deck 1.5 the length and width.

He speedily did his drawings and cut out a prototype, and it was exactly what I had wanted. The price was good, and the postage (To Canada from the UK) was the same either way, so I bought two. After all, they’ll be good for Barsoom and SPACE 1889. It is 10 inches in length.


I chose the railing for the front of the ship: There is an optional position for a gun mount provided. The only modification I made was gluing a couple of round ‘woodls’ to the side as a tribute to the Helium flag in the John Carter movie.

It’s easier and neater if you paint the railings and trim pieces before assembly.


He also lengthened the stand, front-to back, so that it would balance better and be more stable. It came with a base the same size as the smaller flyer, so I made a larger base plate from a dollar store clipboard.


Overall, the ship is as sturdy as MDF will allow, but you have to watch it when you pick it up: If you squeeze the side railings they will tear out, as they are set very close to the side of the deck. A third support might help there.


Here it is beside the original smaller (7 inch) version. The extra inches make a big difference!

The crew shown are from Tin Man Miniatures.

December 26, 2016

SPACE 1889: Skirmisher Cavalry

This unit is a bit of a mash-up: It’s made up of ex-Grenadier products from both sides of the pond, and is the result of decades of planning.


Back in the day, Grenadier USA produced various boxed sets, including a set of Traveler beasties, including a rider on a TaunTaun-like beast. (Traveler fans will no doubt know its name, I do not)

Seeing the potential for use in a fantasy army that I never built, I bought several dozen of the beast, and they sat in a box for 25 or so years.


When I started my SPACE 1889 jag, I picked up some Elven horse archers from Forlorn Hope Games, and mounted them on these not-TaunTauns. They make a nice change from Gashants, and are a lot more fun to paint. (Although part of that is my boring paint choice for Gashants)


I also put Elven cavalry on Ral Partha Hexatrixes, that I use as Thoats. I’ve since finished the unit, but haven’t taken any pictures yet.


Last of all, we have a Tin Man Miniatures Calot. He looks a bit smug, but he’s a nice figure.


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